Sunday, June 21, 2020

My Youtube Series - Debugging with Brandon

I've created a Youtube series on debugging with Brandon. In this series I explore debugging a variety applications configuration. The goal is to look for efficient means of executing code written in an IDE, set breakpoints, inspecting the stack, building and deploying.


Each episode is recorded and published on my Youtube channel. Click subscribe to keep your eyes on the new releases coming out soon. Each episode has a project which is published on Github, and you can check out the source code projects list here

This video covers the basics of debugging Angular with VS Code.

Setting Value
Purpose Debugging with VS Code using a simple Angular project
Client Framework Angular
Client Language TypeScript
Architecture npm/node
IDE Visual Studio Code
License GPL v3

This video covers debugging, building and deploying Angular to App Engine. 

Setting Value
Purpose Debugging with VS Code using a simple Angular project
Client Angular application
Server Express web server
Client Framework Angular
Client Language TypeScript
Server Language JavaScript
Architecture npm/node
IDE Visual Studio Code
License GPL v3

This video covers debugging, building and deploying a Dart web server to Elastic Beanstalk. 

Setting Value
Purpose Debugging dart web server deployed in a multi-container docker config hosted on Elastic Beanstalk
Server Dart http web server
Server Language Dart
Architecture Dart
IDE Visual Studio Code
CI Travis CI
Hosting Elastic Beanstalk
License GPL v3

This video covers debugging, building and deploying a Flutter Web App to Elastic Beanstalk

Setting Value
Purpose Debugging Flutter web app with dart web server hosted on Elastic Beanstalk
Client Flutter web app
Server Dart http web server
Client Language Dart
Server Language Dart
Architecture Flutter/Dart
IDE Visual Studio Code
CI Travis CI
Hosting Elastic Beanstalk
License GPL v3

This video covers debugging, building and deploying a Flutter web app to App Engine Flex. 

Setting Value
Purpose Debugging Flutter web app with dart web server hosted on App Engine
Client Flutter web app
Server Dart http web server
Client Language Dart
Server Language Dart
Architecture Flutter/Dart
IDE Visual Studio Code
CI Travis CI
Hosting App Engine Flex
License GPL v3
This video covers debugging, building and deploy a Flutter web app to Firebase Hosting.

Setting Value
Purpose Debugging and deploying a Flutter web app to Firebase. Fetching data from Firebase. Debugging on Android.
Client Flutter web app, Android/iOS mobiel app
Server Firebase
Client Language Dart
Server Language Firebase
Architecture Flutter/Dart
IDE Visual Studio Code
CI Travis CI
Hosting Firebase
License GPL v3

This video covers debugging an Express web server with simple HTML client using webpack. 

Setting Value
Purpose Debug a simple web server and simple front end with self contained container directory architecture
Server Express web server
Client Simple HTML/JavaScript webpack configuration
Language JavaScript
Architecture npm/node
IDE Visual Studio Code
CI Travis CI
License GPL v3
This video covers debugging an Express web server in a multi-container docker config hosted on Elastic Beanstalk.

Setting Value
Purpose Debugging a client & server multi-container docker config hosted on Elastic Beanstalk
Server Express web server
Client Simple HTML/JavaScript webpack configuration
Client Language JavaScript
Server Language JavaScript
Architecture npm/node
IDE Visual Studio Code
CI Travis CI
Hosting Elastic Beanstalk
License GPL v3

This video covers debugging a backend service written with Typescript.

Setting Value
Purpose Backend service
Language TypeScript
Architecture npm/node
IDE Visual Studio Code
License GPL v3

This video covers debugging a Java web app with Tomcat and VS Code. 

Setting Value
Purpose Debug a Java web app using Tomcat and VS Code
Server Apache Tomcat
Server Language Java
Architecture Maven
IDE Visual Studio Code
License GPL v3

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